The AIIB in Global Perspective: Early Development, Innovation and Future Agenda

Global Policy Vol. 10 Issue 4 (December 2019)

The December 2019 issue of Global Policy has two special sections. The first entitled ‘The AIIB in Global Perspective: Early Development, Innovation and Future Agenda’ edited by Gregory T. Chin, Giuseppe Gabusi, Carla P. Freeman, Giovanni B. Andornino.

Vol 10, Issue 4, December 2019

Special Section I

The AIIB in Global Perspective: Early Development, Innovation and Future Agenda Edited by Gregory T. Chin, Giuseppe Gabusi, Carla P. Freeman, Giovanni B. Andornino

Introduction to the special section: ‘The AIIB in Global Perspective: Early Development, Innovation and Future’ – Gregory T. Chin

AIIB at Three: A Comparative and Institutional Perspective – Natalie Lichtenstein

On the AIIB’s Non‐resident Board: Strategic Trade‐offs, Roles and Responsibilities – Camillo von Müller and Elke Baumann

The AIIB and Sustainable Infrastructure: A Hybrid Layered Approach – Karin Costa Vazquez and Gregory T. Chin

Economic–Security Nexus in the AIIB: China’s Quest for Security through Eurasian Connectivity – Giovanni B. Andornino

The Role of AIIB in the ‘New Normal’ Era for Indonesia and ASEAN – M. Chatib Basri

Financing Sustainable Infrastructure Development in South Asia: The Case of AIIB – Nagesh Kumar and Ojasvee Arora

AIIB Membership for African Countries: Drawcards and Drawbacks – Cyril Prinsloo

Global Standards in the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank: The Contribution of the European Members – Giuseppe Gabusi

Latin America and the AIIB: Interests and Viewpoints – Alvaro Mendez

Turkey and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank: Economic Pragmatism meets Geopolitics – Seçkin Köstem

Is the AIIB a China‐controlled Bank? China’s Evolving Multilateralism in Three Dimensions (3D) – Jiejin Zhu

Leveraging Asia’s Financial Hubs for the AIIB: Hong Kong and Singapore – Yu‐wai Vic Li

Constructive Engagement? The US and the AIIB – Carla P. Freeman

Policy Insights

Accelerating the United Nation’s 2030 Global Agenda: Why Prioritization of the Gender Goal is Essential – Paula Hepp, Claire Somerville and Bettina Borisch

A Conceptual Framework of Arctic Economies for Policy‐making, Research, and Practice – Sanne Vammen Larsen, Eleanor K. Bors, Lára Jóhannsdóttir, Elena Gladun, Daria Gritsenko, Soili Nysten‐Haarala, Svetlana Tulaeva and Todd Sformo

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