Edge Hill University Blog – 2 July 2020

“The stronger presence of Chinese investors in Italy is considered a serious concern both in Europe and in the US, as Italy is seen as a possible Trojan horse for Chinese interests in the EU – especially after Italy signed in 2019 a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

The decoupling of the US economy from China may also influence Sino-Italian relations, as trade and investment in technology could be limited by eventual American sanctions. Italy’s room to manoeuvre will depend then on how the US-China relations will evolve.”

An excerpt written by Giuseppe Gabusi (T.wai & University of Torino) and Giorgio Prodi (T.wai & University of Ferrara) included in “Italy After COVID-19”, a forthcoming book edited by Andrea Goldstein and Giorgio Bellettini (Bononia University Press).

Giuseppe Gabusi

Head of Program

Giuseppe Gabusi is Head of T.wai’s Indo-Pacific Program and an Assistant Professor of International Political Economy and Political Economy of East Asia at the University of Torino.

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