New Mandala – 15 dicembre 2015

“Recently, Myanmar has been experiencing a triple transition: from a military to a civilian government, from autarchy to open markets, and from internal strife to peace agreements.

It is a challenging task for a weak country like Myanmar, but we believe that – if these challenges are met correctly and in a comprehensive way – conditions are there for a renaissance of Myanmar’s political and economic role in thriving South-East Asia, building on its potential and on its strategic position between China and India, Asia’s two giants.”


James Giggacher (New Mandala) interviews Giuseppe Gabusi (Università di Torino) in the article “Myanmar’s Tentative Renaissance“.


Read the article here.


Giuseppe Gabusi

Head of Program

Giuseppe Gabusi is Head of T.wai’s Indo-Pacific Program and an Assistant Professor of International Political Economy and Political Economy of East Asia at the University of Torino.

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