China and MENA: new interests and approaches

2 June 2021 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Chatham House

Andrea Ghiselli (T.wai & Fudan University) will be a speaker for the webinar “China and MENA: new interests and approaches”.

China’s interests in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) have significantly expanded and diversified over time, thereby creating the need for Beijing to find new ways to engage with MENA countries.

Today, the region is not only a key supplier of energy products for the Chinese economy, it is also an increasingly important market for its engineering companies and trade connecting Chinese producers with European markets.

The nexus between economic interests and security policy present as critical challenges to Chinese policymakers more in MENA than anywhere else in the world.

At the same time, the many old and new crises in the region are at the centre of debates about the future of international politics that are crucial to Chinese diplomacy, especially with regards to the future of the norms of sovereignty and of the responsibility to protect. As Chinese interests diversify, so do the tools of statecraft and the ways that Beijing uses to protect and further them.

This webinar is organized by the Chatham House Middle East and North Africa programme in partnership with the King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies (KFCRIS).

The event will be held on the record and livestreamed on the MENA Programme Facebook page. Registration and details available on the website of Chatham House.

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