PR Newswire – 3 December 2020

“It aims at combining art education and gender equality for children in the poverty-stricken areas in China and providing an innovative and effective response to the latest call for rural revitalization, art education and gender equality by the Chinese government. Art education is proven to be the key for improving the creative thinking and critical thinking of children and gender equality is crucial to empower the kids and maximize their potentials.”

The project “Renaissance for Children”, co-funded by Laoniu Brother & Sister Foundation in China and Fondazione Zegna in Italy, internationally coordinated by the East-West Philanthropy Forum and the TOChina Hub in the framework of the China-Italy Philanthropy Forum, is mentioned on PR Newswire.

Giovanni B. Andornino is the President of the Torino World Affairs Institute and Head of its Global China Program. He is an Assistant Professor of International Relations of East Asia at the University of Torino and the Secretary General of the China-Italy Philanthropy Forum.

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