Israeli media reaction to China’s stance on the Israel-Hamas war

ChinaMed Observer 6

As the Israel Defense Forces’ Operation Iron Swords continues in the Gaza Strip, a month after Hamas’ surprise terror attack on southern Israel on October 7, this edition of the ChinaMed Observer delves into the Israeli media’s response to China’s stance on the ongoing conflict.

Beginning with an examination of how Israeli commentators reacted to the news of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s planned visit to Beijing, we then shift to the Israeli media perspective on China’s relations with Hamas and Iran, its possible role as a mediator, and, finally, the foreseeable trends in Sino-Israeli relations.

In the latest issue of the ChinaMed Observer, Amanda Chen (ChinaMed, T.wai & Peking University) analyzes the perspectives of Israeli experts on Beijing’s position on Hamas’s attack in Southern Israel and the conflict in Gaza.

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