The National Interest – 3 February 2024

“China’s role in resolving or failing to address conflicts, such as the one between Iran and Pakistan, impacts its reputation as an emerging global leader. Its ability to manage and mediate in these conflicts is closely watched as an indicator of its global influence and responsibility.”

Enrico Fardella (T.wai & University of Naples “L’Orientale”) is interviewed in the article “Iran-Pakistan Tensions and China’s Diplomatic Cards” on The National Interest.

Enrico Fardella

Head of Project

Enrico Fardella is Director for Area Studies of the ChinaMed Business Program and Director of the ChinaMed Project. He is Associate Professor of the History Department of Peking University, Director of the Center for Mediterranean Area Studies of Peking University and Global Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars.

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