China Global South Project – 16 September 2024

“The rise of China is often framed both as a cause and an effect of the West’s decline and the Middle East is the region where this perception manifests most evidently”.

Enrico Fardella (ChinaMed, T.wai & University of Naples “L’Orientale”) and Andrea Ghiselli (T.wai & Fudan University) are interviewed in the podcast “How Persian Gulf Countries Are Responding to the U.S.-China Rivalry” from the China Global South Project.

Enrico Fardella

Head of Project

Enrico Fardella is Director of the ChinaMed Project developed by the TOChina Hub, an integrated academic platform of the University of Turin, T.wai and ESCP Business School. He is Associate Professor at the University of Naples “L'Orientale” and Visiting Scholar at John Cabot University.

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