
[Tra le righe] L’Evoluzione della strategia comunicativa cinese: l’“Apprendimento reciproco tra civiltà” dall’Asia alla “Civiltà globale”

Short or rhythmic slogans to convey ideals have been employed by the Chinese Communist Party since its foundation to support the national narrative. In the bigger picture of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s “China Dream”, alongside concepts of: “National rejuvenation”, “Harmonious society”, and “Community with a shared future for mankind”, “Mutual learning among civilizations” lately increased in popularity on the Chinese microblogging site Weibo and state-sponsored media.

La formazione di competenze chiave per la comprensione della Cina contemporanea in Italia

This article presents some research evidence taken from the Future Stakeholders Project survey conducted by the Italy-China Competence & Sentiment Observatory (ICCSO), with the aim of probing knowledge, skills and perceptions of Italian university students enrolled in political science and linguistics degree programs aimed toward educational or professional careers expressly or potentially focused on China.

La Cina vista da un pubblico strategico italiano

This paper presents the results of an original survey of the opinions on China held by a strategic attentive Italian public, that of university students of Chinese language and International Relations. This particular public is disproportionately more likely than other members of Italian society to play a seminal role in the future development of Italy-China relations.

La transizione interna ed esterna della Cina: quali implicazioni per il resto del mondo?

This paper examines the transformation of the Chinese economy and its impact on China’s global interactions, as well as the reciprocal effects. China is now taking a more proactive role on the world stage, exemplified by initiatives like the Belt and Road Initiative and its participation in the RCEP.

L’industria dei semiconduttori in Cina: tendenze nella attuale “chip war”

This short study delves into the complex semiconductor industry dynamics amidst global trade and geopolitical tensions. Valued at over 500 billion US dollars, expected to reach 1 trillion by 2030, the sector is crucial for AI, autonomous driving, and 5G. We examine China’s quest for tech leadership, seen in Made in China 2025 Plan and Integrated Circuits (ICs) industrial policies developed so far.

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