Enrico Fardella

Head of Project

Enrico Fardella is Director for Area Studies of the ChinaMed Business Program and Director of the ChinaMed Project, both developed by the TOChina Hub, an integrated academic platform of the University of Torino, T.wai and ESCP Business School. He is Associate Professor of the History Department of Peking University (Beijing, China), Director of the Center for Mediterranean Area Studies of Peking University and Global Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars.

Area of Expertise

  • China's role in the Mediterranean
  • History of contemporary China
  • Chinese foreign policy

Latest content

In the media

Enrico Fardella (ChinaMed Project, T.wai) comments future perspectives of Italy-China relations in the article "Giorgia Meloni, far-right ‘Christian mother,’ is Italy’s new leader. Here’s how that might change Europe and the world" on the Toronto Star.

Sep 27, 2022
In the media

[IT] Il commento di Enrico Fardella (T.wai & Peking University) sulle analogie tra Ucraina e Taiwan nell'articolo di Formiche.

Mar 10, 2022
In the media

[IT] Enrico Fardella (T.wai & Peking University) interviene nella puntata di Asiatica "Quale ruolo della Cina nel conflitto russo-ucraino? Quali posizioni in Asia sull’aggressione di Mosca?" su Radio Radicale.

Mar 3, 2022
Research & Policy Papers

Enrico Fardella (T.wai & Peking University) and Caterina Favino (ChinaMed Project) are authors of the chapter "A Test Case for Europe: Sino-Italian Relations in the ‘Old’ and ‘New’ Cold War" in the book "China and the Belt and Road Initiative: Trade Relationships, Business Opportunities and Political Impacts".

Jan 10, 2022
In the media

[IT] L’introduzione di Enrico Fardella (T.wai & Peking University) alla serie di webinar "A Strategic Nexus: the Euro-Mediterranean Region & China" - realizzati da Formiche e dal progetto ChinaMed in collaborazione con Peking University, Tel Aviv University, Georgetown University - che saranno pubblicati tra il 31 maggio e il 5 giugno.

May 28, 2021

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