Giuseppe Gabusi

Head of Program

Giuseppe Gabusi is Head of T.wai’s Indo-Pacific Program and an Assistant Professor of International Political Economy and Political Economy of East Asia at the University of Torino.

Indo-Pacific Program

Area of Expertise

  • International political economy
  • Indo-Pacific
  • Contemporary Myanmar

Latest content

Guo Xiaolu, La Cina sono io, Metropoli d’Asia, Milano 2014 “Londra è un boato, un’esplosione lenta che disperde ogni cosa viva e morta senza...   Read More

Jul 15, 2015

Valentina Pedone, A journey to the West. Observations on the Chinese migration to Italy, Firenze, Firenze University Press, 2013. La comunità dei residenti cinesi...   Read More

May 15, 2015

Kai Vogelsang, Cina: una storia millenaria Torino, Einaudi, 2014 Spesso, per abitudine o pigrizia, torniamo a camminare su monti conosciuti e già frequentati, confortati...   Read More

Mar 15, 2015
European Journal of East Asian Studies (Vol. 14 Issue 1 - 2015)
Research & Policy Papers

The special issue of the European Journal of East Asian Studies entirely devoted to Myanmar's transitions and co-edited by Giuseppe Gabusi and Nicholas Farrelly, respectively Head of Program and Research Fellow at T.wai, has just been released.

Jan 15, 2015

Alessandro Dell’Orto, Racconti di templi e di divinità. La religione popolare cinese tra spazi sociali e luoghi dell’aldilà, Roma, Aracne, 2014 Camminando per le...   Read More

Dec 3, 2014

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