Luca Sartorelli

Research Fellow

Luca Sartorelli is a Research Fellow at T.wai and Economic Development Expert at the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation.

Indo-Pacific Program

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Asia Prospects Business n. 2
Research & Policy Papers

The Southeast Asian digital economy will make more than US$240 billion by 2025, of which only US$102 billion will be from e-commerce. With more than 350 million Internet users, the region is going to be the very epicentre of an economic boom, according to a Google research, becoming the world’s biggest Internet retail market. However, the region varies greatly in terms of Internet usage and quality, and e-commerce penetration and readiness.

Apr 11, 2020
Asia Prospects Business n. 1
Research & Policy Papers

While the ‘old’ Europe is recovering from the last financial crisis at a snail’s pace, consumption levels and GDP in the ASEAN zone are soaring. The number of affluent people is also going up, and so is so-called ‘conspicuous consumption’. As a matter of fact, when it comes to high-end and luxury commodities, Italy is one of the leading countries. So how are Italian luxury producers positioned in the race for the conquest of the ASEAN market?

Feb 17, 2020

[IT] Laos e Cambogia condividono una parte importante della propria storia e si trovano in una condizione economica simile. Da sempre economie rurali nella zona d’influenza cinese, si sono poi trovate a far parte dell’Indocina francese in epoca coloniale per poi diventare due stati indipendenti al termine dell’omonima guerra, nel 1954. Durante il secondo conflitto indocinese, entrambi i Paesi hanno patito violentissimi scontri civili e militari con effetti devastanti sulle rispettive economie che hanno potuto cominciare a riprendersi soltanto verso la fine degli anni Settanta, dopo aver ritrovato una relativa stabilità politica.

Nov 10, 2019

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