[IT] Per tutti i governi, i risultati economici sono cruciali per ottenere sostegno e legittimità, ma sono ancora più importanti in uno stato a partito unico, poiché la mancanza di crescita e di benessere economico mette a rischio l'intero sistema politico. Pertanto, lo sviluppo economico è essenziale per la sopravvivenza del paradigma di regime stesso. Dalla fondazione della Repubblica popolare nel 1949, il Pcc ha dovuto affrontare la realtà di un'economia arretrata e dilaniata dalla guerra e la necessità di costruire l'intera base industriale mancante.
interactions, including at times the investment activities of non-state actors designed to attain commercial objectives. This extended usage of the concept can in part be explained by assumptions and/or misunderstandings of the nature of Chinese international actors, and their relationship with the state. It also raises questions about whether economic statecraft entails something more than the normal day-to-day business of macroeconomic policy-making. But more than anything, it reveals a deep-seated distrust of Chinese ambitions, with interim commercial objectives – even when pursued by non-state actors – perceived as being part of a broader strategy of making China ever richer and stronger, and thus better able to pursue other goals intended to alter the nature of the global order. As one response to these perceived challenges is to offer national companies various forms of support and protection to fend off unwanted Chinese attention, it could be that one of the consequences of China’s integration into the liberal global economy is to make parts of that economy less (neo)liberal than before.
Before you can even start to put in place new and effective regional governance mechanisms, you have to first find agreement on a rather fundamental question: what exactly is the region that needs to be governed?
Prima ancora di istituire nuovi ed efficaci meccanismi di governance regionale è necessario trovare una risposta condivisa a una domanda fondamentale: qual è esattamente... Read More
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