Stefano Ruzza

Head of Research

Stefano Ruzza is the Head of T.wai’s Violence & Security Program and an Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Torino.

Area of Expertise

  • International security and peacebuilding
  • Contemporary Myanmar
  • Private military and security companies

Latest content

Il Myanmar contiene al suo interno una realtà politica e sociale molto variegata: ci sono 135 gruppi etnici ufficialmente riconosciuti dal governo, numero che...   Read More

Jan 20, 2016
Edited by Stefano Ruzza, Anja P Jakobi, Charles Geisler
Research & Policy Papers

There is a sprawling scholarship on violence, crime, and corrupt state rule; yet few have interpreted these challenges as transformative at a global scale and as a potential source of alternative, non-state, legitimacy. This volume challenges "Westphalian conservativism" in a provocative yet plausible manner, shedding light on the ubiquity and diversity of unfolding non-state agendas and on their effects on the imaginary state community.

Dec 15, 2015
T.note n.3

As East Asia grows in terms of military expenditure, T.wai’s Ruzza and Brucato call for a closer monitoring of the Asia-Pacific region

Nov 10, 2015

[IT] La Cina ha contribuito a un’operazione di peacekeeping per la prima volta nel 1990, inviando cinque osservatori militari nell’ambito della United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (Untso). Da allora, il paese è intervenuto in svariate missioni internazionali – ad esempio in Cambogia, Costa d’Avorio, Congo, Haiti, Libano, Liberia e Sudan – sempre ed esclusivamente sotto egida Onu e sempre e soltanto impiegando unità militari non deputate al combattimento: medici, ingegneri, logisti e polizia armata.

Mar 3, 2013

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