Japan in the Indo-Pacific: Political Economy and Security Perspectives

24 March 2022 9.00 - 12.00
University of Turin - Campus Luigi Einaudi
Lungo Dora Siena, 100 A | Torino | Italy

Japan’s “Free and Open Indo-Pacific (FOIP)” has proved to be a successful narrative amongst competing regional frameworks, to the extent that the Indo-Pacific has become common parlance in diplomatic circles and beyond. Not only the Unites States, but also Germany, France, and the European Union (EU) itself have adopted their own Indo-Pacific strategy. What was Japan’s intention in framing the region as such? What has Tokyo achieved, in terms of political and economic engagement with India and Southeast Asia? Does the China factor influence Japan’s perspectives on the Indo-Pacific? 

While trying to respond to these questions, this seminar will also analyse the pivotal role of the FOIP in fostering EU cooperation in the Indo-Pacific, both from a security and an economic perspective. The EU and Japan are respectively the first and second investor in the area. The non-proximity of the EU and Japan’s pacifist constitution make them ideal “friendly neighbours”. Envisaging the promotion of a rules-based, and stable world order, both Japan and the European Union have a real potential of becoming essential partners towards a peaceful Indo-Pacific. Can Japan and the EU maximise their involvement in the Indo-Pacific by stepping up bilateral collaboration and shared policy initiatives? How can the two powers become beacons of peaceful development by promoting common endeavours in an increasingly tense region? Speakers will finally reflect on the challenges that both Japan and the EU are facing in promoting their mission.

Organised by the Department of Cultures, Politics and Society of the University of Turin and T.wai – Torino World Affairs Institute, in partnership with the International Peace and Sustainability Organization (IPSO), this seminar is held with the support of the Consulate General of Japan in Milan and can be attended either at the Luigi Einaudi Campus (Aula C1) or online, on T.wai’s Youtube channel.

Opening remarks

Prof. Anna Caffarena, President of Torino World Affairs Institute and President of the MA degree in International Studies at the University of Turin

Institutional remarks

Mr Amamiya Yuji, Consul General of Japan in Milan 

Seminar speakers: 

Prof. Gianluca Bonanno (International Peace and Sustainability Organization – IPSO): “Opening to freedom: a win-win strategy for all” 

Prof. Koga Kei (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore): “Japan, Quad, and Minilateralism in the Indo-Pacific” 

Prof. Giorgio Shani (International Christian University): “Indo-Japanese relations in a changing region” 

Prof. Takeshi Daimon-Sato (Waseda University): “China-Japan aid competition and possibilities for cooperation in the Indo-Pacific” 

Ms. Giulia Garbagni (University of Cambridge): “Japan’s Aid Policy in the Indo-Pacific: Abe Shinzo’s Hybrid Legacy” 

Dr. Gudrun Wacker (German Institute for International and Security Affairs): “Reflections on the Indo-Pacific from the European perspective” 

Chair and moderator

Prof. Giuseppe Gabusi (University of Turin & T.wai)


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