Past events

17 May 2018
14.00 - 16.00

TOChina Spring Seminar: The overseas Chinese and the globalization of China’s identity politics

Daniele BRIGADOI COLOGNA (Università degli Studi dell’Insubria) “The overseas Chinese and the globalization of China’s identity politics” Discussant: Prof. Giovanni Andornino   TOChina Spring Seminars...   Read More

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26 April 2018
16.00 - 18.00

TOChina Spring Seminar: China, the US and hedging in South East Asia

Jurgen HAACKE (London School of Economics and Political Science) “China, the US and hedging in South East Asia”. Discussant: Prof. Giuseppe Gabusi   TOChina Spring...   Read More

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24 April 2018
14.00 - 16.00

TOChina Spring Seminar: Studying China’s rural to urban migration: a research design

Arianna PONZINI (Oxford University & T.wai). “Studying China’s rural to urban migration: a research design”. Discussant: Prof. Giovanni Andornino   TOChina Spring Seminars are held...   Read More

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24 April 2018
14.00 - 16.00

TOChina Spring Seminar: Studying China’s rural to urban migration

Arianna PONZINI (Oxford University & Torino World Affairs Institute). Discussant: Prof. Giovanni Andornino   TOChina Spring Seminars are held every year in the context of...   Read More

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19 April 2018

Titanic. Il naufragio dell’ordine liberale.

The presentation will be held in Italian. Presentazione del libro di e con VITTORIO EMANUELE PARSI edito da il Mulino. A partire dagli Anni Ottanta, l’ordine globale neoliberale ha...   Read More

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