In the media

All opinions expressed in articles, interviews and social media posts published by researchers and staff affiliated with T.wai are solely those of the authors. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of the Torino World Affairs Institute.

Camera dei Deputati – 19 settembre 2024


[IT] Giuseppe Gabusi (T.wai & Università di Torino) interviene nell'audizione del Comitato permanente Indo-pacifico della Camera dei Deputati per l'Indagine conoscitiva proiezione nell'Indo-pacifico.

Sep 20, 2024

SIPRI – 24 September 2024

Violence & Security

The summary of SIPRI Yearbook 2024 has now been translated into Italian by T.wai and is available in open access.

Sep 24, 2024

China Global South Project – 16 September 2024

Global China

Enrico Fardella (ChinaMed, T.wai & University of Naples “L’Orientale”) and Andrea Ghiselli (T.wai & Fudan University) are interviewed in the podcast "How Persian Gulf Countries Are Responding to the U.S.-China Rivalry" from the China Global South Project.

Sep 16, 2024

Al-Monitor – 25 August 2024

Global China

Andrea Ghiselli (T.wai & Fudan University) was interviewed for the article "Israel’s prolonged Gaza war offers China strategic opportunity in Mideast" on Al-Monitor.

Aug 25, 2024

Radio Radicale – 16 agosto 2024

Global China

[IT] Enrico Fardella (T.wai & Università di Napoli "L'Orientale") viene intervistato nella puntata di Asiatica "Elezioni USA, tariffe in Europa, crisi internazionali, la politica estera della Cina" su Radio Radicale.

Aug 16, 2024

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