[IT] Nel suo discorso di apertura al Belt and Road Forum, il Presidente Xi Jinping ha precisato l’entità dell’impegno finanziario del governo cinese per dare sostanza alle nuove Vie della seta: oltre 13 miliardi di euro aggiuntivi per gli investimenti del Silk Road Fund, 40 miliardi di euro per operazioni internazionali denominate in valuta cinese (yuan renminbi), e linee di credito da 50 miliardi di euro affidate a China Development Bank e Export-Import Bank of China per sostenere progetti in ambito infrastrutturale, industriale e finanziario nei paesi interessati dall’iniziativa di Pechino.
For years, most of Myanmar’s ethnic minorities, including the Kachin, have put their faith in Aung San Suu Kyi to reconcile the country. Her landslide victory in the country’s historic 2015 elections, was not least secured through the support from ethnic minority voters. As armed conflict has continued and even intensied since Aung San Suu Kyi’s rise to power, many of these erstwhile supporters feel betrayed.
Among the violent events that have affected – and unfortunately still affect – Uganda, a prominent place is undoubtedly occupied by the insurgency in the northern regions, the key figure of which is the infamous Joseph Kony. Less well known, also due to lower levels of violence, are the vicissitudes affecting the western portion of the country, in particular the region called Rwenzori.
In an effort to foster inclusiveness in the workplace for people with disabilities, a group of Chinese NGOs call for greater government support. Individual awareness and commitment to the cause, however, may prove to be just as essential.
The seemingly never-ending flow of real estate purchases made by wealthy Chinese in premium locations, and the overseas investments in infrastructure made by Chinese firms and funds have something in common.
While they are the effects of issues troubling the Chinese economy, they are also causes of the distortions currently affecting
developed economies.