Scientific analyses carried-out by T.wai's Research Fellows

Research & Policy Papers

China-US Competition

Continuity and Change in Italy-China Relations: From Economic Pragmatism to Selective Followership and Back

Global China Research & Policy Papers

This chapter focuses on Italy’s domestic politics to argue that Rome used the BRI MoU as a tool to strike a tactical entente with the PRC to leverage Beijing’s resulting goodwill in order to extract the economic concessions that had long eluded Italian policy-makers.

Jan 9, 2023
Asia Prospects Snapshot n. 10

Il settore sanitario nelle Filippine: dai piani governativi alle opportunità per l’export medico farmaceutico

Indo-Pacific Research & Policy Papers

[IT] Il settore sanitario è un pilastro sempre più al centro dei piani socio-economici dei Paesi del Sudest asiatico, accomunati da una crescente domanda di servizi e infrastrutture sanitarie. Tale rilevanza deriva da una serie di fattori quali l’aumento della popolazione geriatrica, la disparità tra zone rurali e urbane nell’accesso…

Dec 15, 2022

Myanmar After the Coup

Indo-Pacific Research & Policy Papers

On 18 and 19 February 2022, one year after the military coup in Myanmar, T.wai – Torino World Affairs Institute hosted a hybrid international conference in partnership with the Department of Cultures, Politics and Society of the University of Turin and with the support of the City of Turin and…

Nov 18, 2022
Review of International Political Economy

Building legitimacy? The role of Chinese contract workers in foreign regimes’ political strategies

Global China Research & Policy Papers

This article hypothesizes that differences in the strategies adopted by governments in democratic and non-democratic countries to boost performance-based legitimacy claims make the latter more willing to allow Chinese companies to bring Chinese workers.

Oct 25, 2022
SIPRI Yearbook Summary 2022

SIPRI Yearbook Summary 2022: edizione italiana

Violence & Security Research & Policy Papers

[IT] Il SIPRI Yearbook è una fonte autorevole e indipendente di dati e analisi su armamenti, disarmo e sicurezza internazionale. Fornisce una panoramica degli sviluppi relativi a sicurezza internazionale, armi e tecnologia, spesa militare, produzione e commercio di armi, conflitti armati e gestione del conflitto, nonché agli sforzi volti al…

Oct 19, 2022
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