Scientific analyses carried-out by T.wai's Research Fellows

Research & Policy Papers

Asia Prospects Snapshot n. 5

Fleecy clouds: the future and the past of IPOs in mainland China

Indo-Pacific Research & Policy Papers

Mainland China’s capital markets are not entirely akin to their Western counterparts: the regulator of the two stock exchanges (the Chinese Securities Regulatory Commission, or CSRC) is directly affiliated with the government; the main players are state-owned enterprises (SOEs) rather than private corporations; and political and economic stability are prioritized…

Feb 10, 2021
Asia Prospects Snapshot n. 4

Myanmar: the right place to be in the next decade?

Indo-Pacific Research & Policy Papers

If one takeaway of the Myanmar election of 2020 is the unquestioned adoration of the country for its icon Aung San Suu Kyi, another is surely the West’s poor understanding of this country, its ethos and its complex history. From August, while international journalists, consultants and political analysts were busy…

Jan 25, 2021
Asia Prospects Snapshot n. 3

Health or business? The trade-off between COVID-19 containment and economic growth in the ASEAN region

Indo-Pacific Research & Policy Papers

Ma Ma Lwin is a talented Myanmar entrepreneur. With her gentle manners and her ‘light version’ of Myanmar dishes, intercepting the Western tastes of a growing group of expats willing to experience the local food, she has transformed an abandoned rooftop in a Muslim district near downtown Yangon into a…

Dec 14, 2020
Quaderni di Scienza politica 1, 2020

Under pressure: the end of free trade as we know it and the future of the liberal order

Indo-Pacific Research & Policy Papers

Giuseppe Gabusi (T.wai & University of Turin) is the author of the article "Under pressure: the end of free trade as we know it and the future of the liberal order", published by Quaderni di Scienza politica (Il Mulino).

Nov 9, 2020
add editore

L’altra storia della Birmania. Una distopia del XXI secolo

Indo-Pacific Research & Policy Papers

[IT] La postfazione di Giuseppe Gabusi (T.wai & Università degli Studi di Torino) per il libro di Thant Myint-U "L'altra storia della Birmania. Una distopia del XXI secolo", pubblicato da add editore e supportato da T.wai.

Oct 28, 2020

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