Scientific analyses carried-out by T.wai's Research Fellows

Research & Policy Papers

Rapporto TOASEAN n. 2

Malaysia: un paese a forte innovazione con ampi spazi per l’industria italiana

Indo-Pacific Research & Policy Papers

[IT] La Malaysia è ormai un hub manifatturiero con eccellenze in settori ad alto contenuto tecnologico e si appresta a entrare tra i paesi ad alto reddito. Nel 2019 Banca Mondiale l’ha collocata in quindicesima posizione nella propria classifica Doing Business per la capacità dimostrata nell’agevolare l’attività economica. Riflesso di…

May 21, 2020
Asia Prospects Business n. 2

Understanding ASEAN e-commerce: trends and challenges

Indo-Pacific Research & Policy Papers

The Southeast Asian digital economy will make more than US$240 billion by 2025, of which only US$102 billion will be from e-commerce. With more than 350 million Internet users, the region is going to be the very epicentre of an economic boom, according to a Google research, becoming the world’s…

Apr 11, 2020
Asia Prospects Business n. 1

The last frontier of Italian luxury: conquering the ASEAN market

Indo-Pacific Research & Policy Papers

While the ‘old’ Europe is recovering from the last financial crisis at a snail’s pace, consumption levels and GDP in the ASEAN zone are soaring. The number of affluent people is also going up, and so is so-called ‘conspicuous consumption’. As a matter of fact, when it comes to high-end…

Feb 17, 2020
Rapporto TOASEAN n. 1

Singapore Thailandia Vietnam: Opportunità e sfide per le imprese

Indo-Pacific Research & Policy Papers

[IT] Singapore, Thailandia e Vietnam sono paesi dalle enormi opportunità sia in termini di esportazioni sia di investimenti, ma ancora poco presidiati dalle PMI italiane. Il rapporto, nato dalla collaborazione del Dipartimento di Culture, Politica e Società dell'Università di Torino con la Camera di Commercio, Industria, Artigianato e Agricoltura di…

Feb 5, 2020
Global Policy Vol. 10 Issue 4 (December 2019)

The AIIB in Global Perspective: Early Development, Innovation and Future Agenda

Global China Indo-Pacific Research & Policy Papers

The December 2019 issue of Global Policy has two special sections. The first entitled ‘The AIIB in Global Perspective: Early Development, Innovation and Future...   Read More

Dec 23, 2019
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