Scientific analyses carried-out by T.wai's Research Fellows

Research & Policy Papers

Asia Prospects Business n. 3

Agricultural machinery: opportunities for Italian producers in the ASEAN region

Indo-Pacific Research & Policy Papers

Agriculture and agribusiness still represent a crucial slice of most ASEAN member countries’ GDP. However, the sector is changing, increasingly leaving behind traditional, labour-intensive production and transformation processes in favour of more advanced and highly technological practices. And it is looking for partners.

Oct 19, 2020
Osservatorio Politico Internazionale della Repubblica Italiana

La Cina: sviluppi interni, proiezione esterna

Global China Research & Policy Papers

[IT] È online il nuovo Approfondimento “La Cina: sviluppi interni, proiezione esterna” realizzato per l'Osservatorio di Politica Internazionale da T.wai in collaborazione con il Centro Luigi Bobbio per la ricerca sociale pubblica e applicata, progetto d’eccellenza del Dipartimento di Culture, Politica e Società dell'Università degli Studi di Torino.

Oct 13, 2020
ChinaMed Report 2020

The China in the Mid-Med: Connectivity and Security

Global China Research & Policy Papers

In recent years China has become a more central and dominant actor in the international arena at large and in the Middle East and Mediterranean region ("Mid-Med") in particular. China’s current flagship project, the Belt and Road Initiative ("BRI"), in many ways, posits the Mid-Med as a focal area and…

Oct 9, 2020
Oxford University Press

Protecting China’s Interests Overseas

Global China Research & Policy Papers

Andrea Ghiselli (T.wai & Fudan University) is the author of the book "Protecting China's Interests Overseas", the first scholarly book-sized study that explores and pinpoints in a systematic way the origin and evolution of China's approach to defending its interests overseas, and the use of its military to do so.

Sep 23, 2020
Myanmar. Politics, Economy and Society. Routledge (September 2020)

Industrial Policy and Special Economic Zones: Engaging Transformation in a Globalised World

Indo-Pacific Research & Policy Papers

Giuseppe Gabusi (T.wai & University of Torino) and Michele Boario (T.wai & United Nations Industrial Development Organization) are authors of the article "Industrial Policy and Special Economic Zones: Engaging Transformation in a Globalised World" in the first edition of "Myanmar. Politics, Economy and Society", an overview of the complex historical…

Sep 15, 2020

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