Scientific analyses carried-out by T.wai's Research Fellows

Research & Policy Papers

LSE IDEAS - T.wai Symposium 2024 Report

CTRL + power: the (geo)politics of digital authoritarianism

Violence & Security Research & Policy Papers

On 6–7 May 2024 the London School of Economicsʼ think tank LSE IDEAS; the Turin-based think tank T.wai – Torino World Affairs Institute; and the Department of Cultures, Politics and Society of the University of Turin held their fourth joint international symposium: CTRL + Power: The (Geo)Politics of Digital Authoritarianism.

Oct 25, 2024 n. 25 - 23/10/2024

Le elezioni presidenziali 2024 e la crisi di fiducia nelle relazioni Stati Uniti – Cina

Global China Research & Policy Papers

[IT] Giovanni B. Andornino (T.wai & Università di Torino) è autore dell'editoriale "Le elezioni presidenziali 2024 e la crisi di fiducia nelle relazioni Stati Uniti – Cina" sulla rivista (n. 25 - 23/10/2024).

Oct 23, 2024
European Journal of East Asian Studies

Sino-Italian Relations after the Belt and Road Initiative

Global China Research & Policy Papers

Giovanni B. Andornino (T.wai & University of Turin) is the author of the article "Sino-Italian Relations after the Belt and Road Initiative: China’s Quest for Reputational Security and the Response of a Strategic Italian Public" published in the European Journal of East Asian Studies.

Oct 10, 2024
SIPRI Yearbook Summary 2024

SIPRI Yearbook Summary 2024: edizione italiana

Violence & Security Research & Policy Papers

[IT] Come accade ormai da un decennio, la sicurezza globale ha continuato a deteriorarsi per tutto il 2023. Si sono registrati gravi conflitti armati a Gaza, in Myanmar, in Sudan e in Ucraina; la spesa militare è aumentata per il nono anno consecutivo raggiungendo il livello più alto di sempre;…

Sep 24, 2024
ChinaMed Observer 25

Palestinian responses to the Beijing Declaration

Global China Research & Policy Papers

Raphael Angieri, guest analyst on the ChinaMed Observer, examines how Palestinian officials and observers have discussed the reconciliation agreement recently signed in Beijing by Fatah, Hamas, and 12 other Palestinian factions.

Aug 27, 2024
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