Scientific analyses carried-out by T.wai's Research Fellows

Research & Policy Papers

ChinaMed Observer 12

French media on sixty years of Franco-Chinese relations

Global China Research & Policy Papers

On the eve of the 60th anniversary of Franco-Chinese ties, Léa Gebuhrer & Leonardo Bruni (ChinaMed, T.wai) review the French media debate on economic relations with Beijing, as well as on Chinese engagement in Africa and the Middle East, for the ChinaMed Observer.

Jan 26, 2024
ChinaMed Observer 11

Wang Yi’s first trip of 2024 according to the Egyptian and Tunisian press

Global China Research & Policy Papers

In this issue of the ChinaMed Observer, Mariateresa Natuzzi takes stock of Tunisian and Egyptian press coverage of Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi’s recent trip to Cairo and Tunis. 

Jan 24, 2024
ChinaMed Observer 10

Chinese analysts discuss the war in Gaza and multilateral diplomacy

Global China Research & Policy Papers

This issue of the ChinaMed Observer, authored by Adam Koi, delves into the Chinese media debate on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, focusing on recent developments in multilateral diplomacy and exploring how Chinese experts have commented on the temporary ceasefire between Israel and Hamas.

Jan 22, 2024
Editori Laterza

Capitalismo di sangue

Violence & Security Research & Policy Papers

[IT] Se il delicato equilibrio tra stato e mercato viene meno e un capitalismo senza regole pretende di dettare legge, a rischio sono l’eguaglianza, la democrazia, la pace. Le ultime guerre ne sono la prova: frutto di scelte criminali compiute da leader che perseguono i propri interessi privati o di…

Jan 12, 2024
ChinaMed Observer 9

Sino-Turkish competition and cooperation in the EV sector

Global China Research & Policy Papers

Ahmet Faruk Işik and Leonardo Bruni (ChinaMed, T.wai) offer an analysis on the ChinaMed Observer of Türkiye's recent restrictions on Chinese electric vehicle imports and the future of Sino-Turkish relations in this emerging sector.

Jan 12, 2024
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