Scientific analyses carried-out by T.wai's Research Fellows

Research & Policy Papers

ChinaMed Report 2023

Power shifts? China’s growing influence in the Gulf

Global China Research & Policy Papers

The ongoing development of Sino-Gulf relations, driven by China’s deepening ties with the states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), represents a significant shift in the Middle East’s geopolitical landscape. Through strategic partnerships, economic engagement, and diplomatic initiatives, particularly the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), China has emerged as a…

Apr 16, 2024
Asia Prospects Business n. 10

L’ecosistema delle startup in Malaysia

Indo-Pacific Research & Policy Papers

[IT] Avendo sperimentato negli ultimi anni una crescita rapida e inaspettata, l’ecosistema imprenditoriale malaysiano gode oggi del supporto governativo tramite incentivi fiscali e politiche di promozione. Tuttavia, sfide quali l’accesso ai finanziamenti e la cultura imprenditoriale richiedono interventi coordinati per assicurare una crescita sostenibile. Inoltre, il multiculturalismo e l’apertura ai…

Apr 7, 2024
LSE IDEAS - T.wai Symposium 2023 Report

European security after the War in Ukraine

Violence & Security Research & Policy Papers

The war in Ukraine has sparked lively debates about international relations and the future of the international order. While posing a challenge in itself, the return of war in Europe has also shed light on broader, and perhaps deeper, issues affecting European security.

Apr 5, 2024
Middle East Policy - Spring 2024

The Persian Gulf and the US-China rivalry

Global China Research & Policy Papers

SPECIAL ISSUE: The Persian Gulf and the US-China Rivalry Editors: Andrea Ghiselli, Enrico Fardella, Anoushiravan Ehteshami   The Persian Gulf’s Transition From American Unipolarity...   Read More

Apr 4, 2024
Asia Prospects Business n. 9

Le smart cities nel sud-est asiatico: il caso Nusantara

Indo-Pacific Research & Policy Papers

[IT] Rendere le città progressivamente più smart è un obiettivo di molti governi al mondo, inclusi quelli dei Paesi ASEAN. L'Indonesia ha addirittura concepito la nuova capitale Nusantara come città ex novo che aspiri a diventare il centro urbano più sostenibile al mondo, un simbolo dell'identità nazionale e la forza…

Mar 4, 2024

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