Scientific analyses carried-out by T.wai's Research Fellows

Research & Policy Papers

Rapporto T.wai - CLB

China digital: le nuove frontiere dell’export

Indo-Pacific Research & Policy Papers

[IT] La realtà digitale cinese presenta grandi opportunità per le imprese italiane, il panorama dell’e-commerce è molto vasto e offre soluzioni per diversi settori e aziende. Innanzitutto, la Cina si configura come il più grande mercato e-commerce al mondo. Il valore delle vendite online nel paese ha subito negli anni…

Nov 17, 2021
SIPRI Yearbook Summary 2021

SIPRI Yearbook Summary 2021: edizione italiana

Violence & Security Research & Policy Papers

[IT] Dopo un netto deterioramento della stabilità e della sicurezza durante l’ultimo decennio, il bilancio globale del 2020 è rimasto pressoché invariato. Questa potrebbe apparire un’affermazione troppo ottimistica in un anno dominato dalla pandemia di COVID-19, eppure è supportata dai dati contenuti nella 52a edizione del SIPRI Yearbook.

Oct 26, 2021
Asia Prospects Snapshot n. 7

The RCEP: where are we at with the Asia-Pacific mega trade deal?

Indo-Pacific Research & Policy Papers

The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is regarded as the biggest free trade agreement (FTA) ever signed. This mega deal involves fifteen countries of the Asia-Pacific region: the ASEAN group – from where the pact officially originated – plus Australia, New Zealand, China, South Korea and Japan. The treaty is…

Oct 20, 2021
Il Mulino

China and the World: The Long March Towards a Community of Shared Future for Mankind

Global China Research & Policy Papers

Giovanni B. Andornino (T.wai & University of Turin) is the author, along with Wang Qinghong, of the essay "Philanthropy and Social Innovation in China" in volume 2 of "China and the World: The Long March Towards a Community of Shared Future for Mankind" (Il Mulino, 2021).

Oct 11, 2021
Asia Prospects Snapshot n. 6

Taking a sneak peek at the future worlds of entrepreneurship in Southeast Asia

Indo-Pacific Research & Policy Papers

What do we mean when we speak of entrepreneurship? We will be focusing on entrepreneurship of opportunity: that is, when people embark on entrepreneurial activity because they identify a unique idea or advantage that they believe will add value to society. This means that not all self-employed or individual owned…

Jul 26, 2021

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