Collection of policy notes addressing the major issues driving international debate at the global level


T.wai's T.notes are 2-page texts that address the major issues of international debate at the global and regional level, building a broad involvement in the high levels of politics and experts of the major teams of research centers at the international level.
T.note n.66

Beyond the militarist approach: a new challenge for Mali

Violence & Security T.notes

Current peacebuilding approaches focused on state-building and militarization have led to poor security outputs, neither addressing national tensions nor fighting ethnic narratives of conflict.

Jul 25, 2018
T.note n. 65 - RISE series #20

It’s Complicated: Singapore–China Relations, an Overview

Indo-Pacific T.notes

To the extent that Beijing accepts an open and inclusive Southeast Asia as well as established and binding rules, the Singapore–PRC relationship is likely to continue smoothly.

Jul 16, 2018
T.note n.64 - CMBP series #8

Everything under the heavens

Global China T.notes

The question to be answered is not really whether China is developing a new world order, but what the future world order will look like in light of China’s skilful use of its tools of economic statecraft.

Jul 2, 2018
T.note n.63 - RISE series #19

Reshaping the Regional Trade Order without the United States

Indo-Pacific T.notes

The decision to withdraw the US from TPP is therefore but one trade specific component of the broader self-isolation of the US from the Asia-Pacific more generally.

Jun 15, 2018
T.note n.62 - HS series #9

Street gangs as a form of glocal radicalization

Violence & Security T.notes

Gangs are in all respects one of the forms assumed by the growing clustering of the criminal industry, in a market of illegal goods and services that is becoming ever more complex and globalized, and completely immune to the cyclical downturn in demand.

Jun 13, 2018

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