Collection of policy notes addressing the major issues driving international debate at the global level


T.wai's T.notes are 2-page texts that address the major issues of international debate at the global and regional level, building a broad involvement in the high levels of politics and experts of the major teams of research centers at the international level.
T.note n.36 - HS series #5

Why Institutions of Security Can Fail to Provide Experiences of Security

Violence & Security T.notes

Institutions of security are critical for peaceful governance in states throughout the world. It is for this reason that so much funding is devoted to Security Sector Reform (SSR) in post-conflict peacebuilding. However, do such processes result in experiences of security?

Jul 21, 2017
T.note n.35 - TIC series #3

The End of Europe as We Know It?

Global China T.notes

As 2017 marks the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome, the very project of European integration faces challenges and uncertainties.

Jul 17, 2017
T.note n.34 - RISE series #2

Why Myanmar’s ethnic minorities lose faith in federalism and peace

Indo-Pacific T.notes

For years, most of Myanmar’s ethnic minorities, including the Kachin, have put their faith in Aung San Suu Kyi to reconcile the country. Her landslide victory in the country’s historic 2015 elections, was not least secured through the support from ethnic minority voters. As armed conflict has continued and even…

Jun 29, 2017
T.note n.33 - HS series #4

Identity manipulation and spontaneous mobilization: the persistence of low-intensity conflict in the Rwenzori region

Violence & Security T.notes

Among the violent events that have affected – and unfortunately still affect – Uganda, a prominent place is undoubtedly occupied by the insurgency in the northern regions, the key figure of which is the infamous Joseph Kony. Less well known, also due to lower levels of violence, are the vicissitudes…

Jun 27, 2017
T.note n.32 - TIC series #2

Sustainable Development in China – Reducing Inequality

Global China T.notes

In an effort to foster inclusiveness in the workplace for people with disabilities, a group of Chinese NGOs call for greater government support. Individual awareness and commitment to the cause, however, may prove to be just as essential.

Jun 23, 2017

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