Collection of policy notes addressing the major issues driving international debate at the global level


T.wai's T.notes are 2-page texts that address the major issues of international debate at the global and regional level, building a broad involvement in the high levels of politics and experts of the major teams of research centers at the international level.
T.note n.101

A “post-carbon” diplomacy? Japan’s Southeast Asia conundrum

Indo-Pacific T.notes

Coincidentally, Tokyo has been supportive of the region’s efforts to narrow development gaps among member states and to tackle emerging challenges, such as climate change and disaster risk reduction.

May 26, 2021
T.note n.100

Southeast Asia’s democratic backsliding and China’s authoritarian appeal

Indo-Pacific T.notes

China’s model of prosperity without democracy is becoming more appealing in Southeast Asia.

Apr 28, 2021
T.note n. 99 - RISE series #27

Transformation of Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in the Philippines

Indo-Pacific T.notes

The Philippines is one of the many countries in Southeast Asia that have extensively pursued economic zone development. These zones have continuously evolved over time, with significant consequences.

Apr 1, 2021
T.note n. 98 - EC series #5

Why not sourcing gold from conflict-affected and high-risk areas is not responsible sourcing, and what to do about it

Violence & Security T.notes

Choosing to stop sourcing gold from conflict-affected and high-risk areas (CAHRAs) may be the easy option for refiners seeking to de-risk their supply chains, but it is not the responsible option.

Apr 1, 2021
T.note n.97

‘Developmental means for strategic ends’: Japan’s infrastructure diplomacy in Myanmar and the wider Southeast Asia

Indo-Pacific T.notes

The Special Economic Zone of Thilawa epitomizes the essence of Japan’s new ‘infrastructural means for strategic ends’ approach to ODA policy, inaugurated by Abe.

Mar 22, 2021

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