Assessing the impact of China on global governance in the age of power diffusion

Global China

Assessing the impact of China on global governance in the age of power diffusion

Morocco looks at its relations with China: between the earthquake and the diplomatic celebrations

Global China Research & Policy Papers

In this issue of the ChinaMed Observer, we take stock of Sino-Moroccan relations as the two countries prepare to commemorate the 65th anniversary of their diplomatic ties this November 1. We examine recent trends in Moroccan press coverage of economic engagement with China, Chinese foreign policy and Morocco's alleged application…

Oct 25, 2023

The Japan Times – 18 October 2023

Global China In the media

Enrico Fardella (T.wai & University of Naples L’Orientale) is quoted in the article "Putin visits Xi as leaders look to leverage growing global rift" on the Japan Times.

Oct 19, 2023

The Chinese discourse on the Israel-Hamas conflict

Global China Research & Policy Papers

Adam Koi (ChinaMed, T.wai & University of Heidelberg) on the Chinese debate on the Israel-Palestine conflict, for the ChinaMed Observer.

Oct 16, 2023

Radio Radicale – 10 ottobre 2023

Global China In the media

[IT] Andrea Ghiselli (T.wai & Fudan University) interviene nella puntata di Asiatica "L'attacco di Hamas contro Israele visto dalla Cina" su Radio Radicale.

Oct 13, 2023

CGTN – 12 October 2023

Global China In the media

Ahmet Faruk Işik (ChinaMed, T.wai & Shanghai International Studies University) in his article "China-Türkiye digital economy cooperation under BRI" for CGTN.

Oct 12, 2023
  • Global China Events

    Global China in the Media

    • Junior Research Fellow

      12 July 2024

      “È una situazione paradigmatica della percezione taiwanese riguardo il deterioramento dei rapporti con la Cina. L’intimidazione stimola una mobilitazione su vasta scala, ma è filtrata dal contesto politico interno, dove il KMT e i suoi alleati sono visti da alcuni attivisti come i mandatari interni di Pechino. Al contrario, le minacce militari non sembrano provocare reazioni particolarmente decise nei taiwanesi, che le affrontano con cautela, quando non con aperta indifferenza.”


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