Assessing the impact of China on global governance in the age of power diffusion

Global China

Assessing the impact of China on global governance in the age of power diffusion

Il Fatto Quotidiano – 12 luglio 2024

Global China In the media

[IT] Silvia Frosina (Scuola Normale Superiore & T.wai) nel suo articolo "Pechino contro le pressioni americane: invia 66 jet sull’isola" su Il Fatto Quotidiano.

Jul 12, 2024

Tunisian and Egyptian Media on the 10th China-Arab States Cooperation Forum

Global China Research & Policy Papers

For the latest issue of the ChinaMed Observer, Mariateresa Natuzzi & Bianca Pasquier (ChinaMed, T.wai) analyze how the media in Tunisia and Egypt covered the 10th China-Arab States Cooperation Forum in Beijing.

Jul 10, 2024

When history rhymes: China’s relations with Russia and the war in Ukraine

Global China Research & Policy Papers

Inge Bekkevold, wrote that in the last century «China has seen Russia as imperialist, a comrade in arms, an enemy and a partner, and is now debating whether it should be an ally». In this paper, Enrico Fardella attempts to connect these views with the most recent evolution of Sino-Russian…

Jul 1, 2024

Business Diplomacy – 24 June 2024

Global China In the media

Ahmet Faruk Işik (ChinaMed Project, T.wai & Shanghai International Studies University) is co-author of the article "Hakan Fidan’s China Visit; Collaborative Efforts Needed for Improving China-Türkiye Economic Ties" for Business Diplomacy.

Jun 24, 2024

China Global South Project – 30 May 2024

Global China In the media

Leonardo Bruni (T.wai) gives an overview of ChinaMed's updated dataset on China's commercial, security and trade influence across the Middle East, North Africa and Southern Europe, for the China Global South Project.

May 30, 2024
  • Global China Events

    Global China in the Media

    • Junior Research Fellow

      12 July 2024

      “È una situazione paradigmatica della percezione taiwanese riguardo il deterioramento dei rapporti con la Cina. L’intimidazione stimola una mobilitazione su vasta scala, ma è filtrata dal contesto politico interno, dove il KMT e i suoi alleati sono visti da alcuni attivisti come i mandatari interni di Pechino. Al contrario, le minacce militari non sembrano provocare reazioni particolarmente decise nei taiwanesi, che le affrontano con cautela, quando non con aperta indifferenza.”


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