[IT] Nelle contemporanee riletture della Rivoluzione culturale si tende a sottolineare (soprattutto fuori dalla Cina, per la verità) come, malgrado il furore della violenza ideologica e la insensata brutalità di alcuni suoi colpi di coda, essa avesse fornito a molti giovani una rara e in gran parte genuina occasione di…
[IT] A otto anni dallo scoppio della crisi finanziaria globale l’atmosfera in Cina è ben diversa dal senso di rivalsa che sembrò catturare il paese nell’estate del 2008, quando l’orgoglio nazionale veniva esaltato dalle Olimpiadi di Pechino proprio mentre le certezze dell’Occidente franavano sotto il peso di un lustro di…
The 18th Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party conferred Xi Jinping the title of 'core leader' at the end of the 6th Plenum last week; yet, "the political significance of this latest development in the Chinese semantics of power appears to be overstated", T.wai Vice President Giovanni Andornino writes.
[IT] "Gli studenti italian trovano l'America in Cina", Elisabetta Pagani intervista Giovanni Andornino (Università degli Studi di Torino) per La Stampa.
“The Chinese leadership has likely assessed that the Americans will keep up the pressure, so holding back is pointless. China is therefore likely prepared to respond strongly to US trade measures while advancing its position in key industries and supply chains.
However, while China may turn to the Global South, none of those countries can absorb Chinese goods as rich developed economies can. The Europeans might prefer adopting Trump’s demands on China to spare European companies and exporters harsh tariffs to enter the American market.”
Edoardo Agamennone is a Research Fellow at T.wai and Academic Director of the China Management & Business Program developed by the TOChina Hub, an integrated academic platform of the University of Turin, T.wai and ESCP Business School.
Giovanni B. Andornino is the President of the Torino World Affairs Institute and Head of its Global China Program. He is an Assistant Professor of International Relations of East Asia at the University of Torino and the Secretary General of the China-Italy Philanthropy Forum.
Carlotta Clivio is a Junior Research Fellow at T.wai and a PhD candidate in International Relations at the London School of Economics and Political Science.
Enrico Fardella is Director of the ChinaMed Project developed by the TOChina Hub, an integrated academic platform of the University of Turin, T.wai and ESCP Business School. He is Associate Professor at the University of Naples “L'Orientale” and Visiting Scholar at John Cabot University.
Andrea Ghiselli is a non-resident Research Fellow at T.wai and an Assistant Professor of International Relations and Public Affairs at Fudan University (Shanghai).
Kavinda Navaratne is the General Manager of the Torino World Affairs Institute and Italy Coordinator for the TOChina Hub, an integrated academic platform of the University of Turin, T.wai and ESCP Business School.