Indo-Pacific Program
Investigating the players, institutions and narratives driving political and economic dynamics across fast-emerging Asia


Investigating the players, institutions and narratives driving political and economic dynamics across fast-emerging Asia

New Zealand’s Multilateralism Does not Exclude China

Indo-Pacific T.notes

With BRI, New Zealand will examine options to use the project not just to deepen ties with China, but also to deepen ties with other countries along the BRI “spoke” where it is located.

May 4, 2018

The India–China Tango in Southeast Asia

Indo-Pacific T.notes

While objecting strongly to New Delhi joining ASEAN, Beijing keeps a close eye on India’s deepening ties with bloc members and with oil and gas exploration drives in the littoral states of the South China Sea.

Apr 17, 2018

La Malaysia prima del voto

Indo-Pacific RISE

[IT] Entro l’estate, in Malaysia si svolgeranno le elezioni politiche. Qual è la situazione nel Paese? Quali sono i punti di forza e di fragilità su cui i cittadini malaysiani saranno chiamati a pronunciarsi? In questo nuovo numero monografico, RISE dedica un’approfondita analisi alle sfide future che attendono la Malaysia.

Apr 10, 2018

China, Malaysia, and the Belt and Road Initiative: the case of the East Coast Rail Link

Indo-Pacific T.notes

Beijing needs to understand that projects that do not add value to the recipient state (in this case, Malaysia) are bound to reinforce the perception that Chinese-led initiatives are self-serving in nature.

Mar 26, 2018

Myanmar under the National League for Democracy: will China be a close partner again?

Indo-Pacific T.notes

In order for Myanmar to meet its domestic needs, it will remain important for it to be partnered by China in its economic, political and security interests under the new, democratic NLD-led civilian government.

Feb 28, 2018
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      23 April 2024

      “Sviluppare competenze e strategie per espandere il proprio business nei mercati asiatici, tra i più dinamici al mondo: è questo l’obiettivo del corso di formazione TOAsia Export Training. L’iniziativa, completamente gratuita, è dedicata a imprenditori ed export manager e aperta anche a laureandi/neolaureati magistrali provenienti dal territorio piemontese, fino ad un massimo di trenta partecipanti.”


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