Indo-Pacific Program
Investigating the players, institutions and narratives driving political and economic dynamics across fast-emerging Asia


Investigating the players, institutions and narratives driving political and economic dynamics across fast-emerging Asia

Local conflict resolution strategies and unequal access to justice in Mon State

Indo-Pacific T.notes

In search for help, the muslim residents of Burma no longer rely on allegedly corrupt institutions, turning to their personal connections instead.

Oct 4, 2017

The BCIM Economic Corridor and Chinese investments in Myanmar

Indo-Pacific T.notes

Asia's regionalization trend led to the formulation of numerous economic cooperation initiatives. These, however, often lack a clear implementation strategy.

Sep 27, 2017

The Arakan/Rohingya Crisis

Indo-Pacific T.notes

Several major confrontations have occurred in Arakan since World War II, creating lasting distrust between the followers of different religious creeds. These conflicts are related to issues which all have their roots deep in the country’s past.

Sep 23, 2017

Radio Vaticana – 17 agosto 2017

Indo-Pacific In the media

[IT] "Anniversario dell'indipendenza dell'Indonesia: il futuro del Paese", Giuseppe Gabusi (Università degli Studi di Torino) interviene a Radio Vaticana.

Aug 30, 2017

The ‘Lucky’ Ones: Land, Citizenship, and Inequality in the Wa Self-Administered Division

Indo-Pacific T.notes

In the Wa autonomous areas that run along the Sino-Burmese border, disparities in material wealth raise important questions about land ownership.

Aug 12, 2017
  • Asia Prospects Events

    Indo-Pacific in the Media

    • Head of Program

      23 April 2024

      “Sviluppare competenze e strategie per espandere il proprio business nei mercati asiatici, tra i più dinamici al mondo: è questo l’obiettivo del corso di formazione TOAsia Export Training. L’iniziativa, completamente gratuita, è dedicata a imprenditori ed export manager e aperta anche a laureandi/neolaureati magistrali provenienti dal territorio piemontese, fino ad un massimo di trenta partecipanti.”


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