Despite rapid intervention and a high level of community engagement, the scale of the damage suffered by the city of Beirut goes beyond the scope of the humanitarian response.
[IT] Fabio Armao (T.wai & Università degli Studi di Torino) nell'articolo "Il branco come alibi. Sull’incapacità sociale di affrontare il nemico interno" per MicroMega.
Armed non-state actors (ANSAs) are today’s new front lines of global peace and security. To deal with this, we will need political rather than military solutions. And we will need greater international cooperation – not another Cold War.
“The public discourse in Italy about international affairs is often hijacked by amateurs posing as geopolitical analysts. They resort to maps and other visual assets to present a distorted version of reality conductive to the Kremlin’s narrative, thus preparing the ground for disinformation proper.”