Emerging trends in transnational security: from the rise of non-state actors to force privatization.

Violence & Security

Emerging trends in transnational security: from the rise of non-state actors to force privatization.

Peacebuilding: who needs a model?

Violence & Security T.notes

Behind well-established and fixed peacebuilding ‘models’ there always lies the danger of normativity and of a lack of flexibility. Rather than a model, it seems much more promising to foreground a frame within which to design more reflexive, adaptative and respectful peacebuilding strategies.

Nov 27, 2020

Climate Diplomacy – 25 november 2020

Violence & Security In the media

The T.note n.91 "Cities in a Crisis: COVID-19 and Climate-Fragility Risks in urban environments" was shared by the Climate Diplomacy initiative.

Nov 25, 2020

Good governance and strong institutions beyond the state: the Salween Peace Park in Myanmar

Violence & Security T.notes

State-centric frameworks are problematic in building strong and just institutions in war-torn societies.

Nov 17, 2020

Cities in a Crisis: COVID-19 and Climate-Fragility Risks in urban environments

Violence & Security T.notes

Building back better requires integrated approaches that address the impacts of COVID-19 across sectors, including health, environment, climate and urban planning.

Nov 6, 2020

Historicising Peace and Conflict Studies: the problems of thinking that the world began in 1989

Violence & Security T.notes

For understandable reasons, we often focus on immediate problems. But we risk overlooking important parts of the evidential trail if we do not try to understand the long-term processes that account for present-day circumstances.

Oct 23, 2020
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    • Research Fellow

      18 June 2024

      “Il numero di armi atomiche operative è aumentato nel 2023 con le grandi potenze che continuano a modernizzare i loro arsenali. Secondo il rapporto dello Stockholm International Peace Studies Institute (Sipri), dell’inventario totale stimato lo scorso gennaio di 12.121 testate. Circa 9.585 erano negli arsenali militari per un potenziale utilizzo. Mentre 3.904 di queste sono su missili e aerei. Nel mondo ci sono sessanta armi atomiche in più rispetto a un anno fa.”


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