[IT] Indubbiamente il 2020 verrà ricordato come l’anno della pandemia globale, dei confinamenti e dello “stato di eccezione”. L’anno che sta per concludersi, però, è stato caratterizzato anche da importanti eventi politici, in primis le elezioni presidenziali negli Stati Uniti d’America. Ed è proprio dagli Stati Uniti che parte questo…
A functioning and inclusive political settlement rather than institutional capacity narrowly conceived is necessary for building legitimacy across society for any new ‘post-conflict’ dispensation.
[IT] Fabio Armao (T.wai & Università degli Studi di Torino) nell'articolo "Democrazia, diritto alla vita e potere di morte. Quel che hanno in comune il caso Regeni e la pandemia", scritto per MicroMega.
Ebola created mental barriers between contaminated and ‘clean’ regions that raised national security concerns. These barriers stripped people of their identity – they became viruses themselves – and of their social ties, keeping families and communities apart.
Behind well-established and fixed peacebuilding ‘models’ there always lies the danger of normativity and of a lack of flexibility. Rather than a model, it seems much more promising to foreground a frame within which to design more reflexive, adaptative and respectful peacebuilding strategies.
“The public discourse in Italy about international affairs is often hijacked by amateurs posing as geopolitical analysts. They resort to maps and other visual assets to present a distorted version of reality conductive to the Kremlin’s narrative, thus preparing the ground for disinformation proper.”