The challenge among ethnic actors to reach an agreement over terminology weakens their efforts to articulate collective identities and desired alternatives.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already transforming our lives, for good or ill. And in the case of war, killing machines are not just the weapons of the future; they are already here.
[IT] Dal 2011, in accordo con il SIPRI, T.wai offre al pubblico la traduzione italiana della sintesi del SIPRI Yearbook, considerato in tutto il mondo una fonte autorevole e indipendente di dati e analisi su temi relativi ad armamenti, disarmo e sicurezza internazionale.
While the conflict has stalled, the reality around it has changed. Although diplomatic progress is being made, the road to peace and to the lifting of conflict-related sanctions needs to pass through the implementation of the Minsk Agreements: an outcome that, for the time being, Kiev might find difficult to…
La Quarta rivoluzione industriale si presenta come un dirompente cambiamento socio-economico e una vera e propria trasformazione che interessa tutti gli aspetti della vita... Read More
“The public discourse in Italy about international affairs is often hijacked by amateurs posing as geopolitical analysts. They resort to maps and other visual assets to present a distorted version of reality conductive to the Kremlin’s narrative, thus preparing the ground for disinformation proper.”