Tra le maggiori sfide che l’Europa sta affrontando in questi anni quella dei flussi migratori occupa una posizione importante non solo nelle agende governative... Read More
[IT] Da qualche anno a questa parte "la crisi dei migranti" domina le testate giornalistiche e i media europei. Senza dubbio la gestione dei flussi migratori contemporanei è uno dei temi più salienti nelle agende politiche nazionali e internazionali. Le migrazioni sono però un fenomeno poco compreso. Come affermato dal…
Institutions of security are critical for peaceful governance in states throughout the world. It is for this reason that so much funding is devoted to Security Sector Reform (SSR) in post-conflict peacebuilding. However, do such processes result in experiences of security?
Among the violent events that have affected – and unfortunately still affect – Uganda, a prominent place is undoubtedly occupied by the insurgency in the northern regions, the key figure of which is the infamous Joseph Kony. Less well known, also due to lower levels of violence, are the vicissitudes…
There is growing interest in Arctic sea routes, and in natural resources that become available as the sea ice melts: the Arctic has become a new “hotspot” in international politics.
“The public discourse in Italy about international affairs is often hijacked by amateurs posing as geopolitical analysts. They resort to maps and other visual assets to present a distorted version of reality conductive to the Kremlin’s narrative, thus preparing the ground for disinformation proper.”