Emerging trends in transnational security: from the rise of non-state actors to force privatization.

Violence & Security

Emerging trends in transnational security: from the rise of non-state actors to force privatization.

Human security and China’s evolving foreign policy

Violence & Security T.notes

Will Beijing strike the right balance between proactively engaging with its global partners while continuing to adhere to stances of non-interference?

Dec 4, 2015

Military Spending in East Asia: A Growing Concern?

Violence & Security T.notes

As East Asia grows in terms of military expenditure, T.wai’s Ruzza and Brucato call for a closer monitoring of the Asia-Pacific region

Nov 10, 2015

SIPRI Yearbook Summary 2015: edizione italiana

Violence & Security Research & Policy Papers

[IT] Dal 2011, in accordo con il SIPRI, T.wai offre al pubblico la traduzione italiana del SIPRI Yearbook Booklet.

Nov 10, 2015

Myanmar’s tentative renaissance

Violence & Security Research & Policy Papers

The special issue of the European Journal of East Asian Studies entirely devoted to Myanmar's transitions and co-edited by Giuseppe Gabusi and Nicholas Farrelly, respectively Head of Program and Research Fellow at T.wai, has just been released.

Jan 15, 2015
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      18 June 2024

      “Il numero di armi atomiche operative è aumentato nel 2023 con le grandi potenze che continuano a modernizzare i loro arsenali. Secondo il rapporto dello Stockholm International Peace Studies Institute (Sipri), dell’inventario totale stimato lo scorso gennaio di 12.121 testate. Circa 9.585 erano negli arsenali militari per un potenziale utilizzo. Mentre 3.904 di queste sono su missili e aerei. Nel mondo ci sono sessanta armi atomiche in più rispetto a un anno fa.”


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