[IT] UnitoNews presenta la nuova edizione della TOAfrica Summer School, organizzata dal Dipartimento di Culture, Politica e Società dell'Università di Torino in partnership con la Makerere University, T.wai, Nordic Africa Institute, Consorzio delle Ong Piemontesi e Chaire Diasporas Africaines.
Stefano Ruzza e Giuseppe Gabusi (T.wai & Università di Torino) sono intervenuti a EconomiaItalia in un episodio dedicato alle vite parallele di Myanmar e Vietnam.
As Muse has transformed into a strategic border hub, the illegal drug economy has become deeply embedded in systems of rule, economic development and everyday life.
[IT] L'intervento di Stefano Ruzza (T.wai & Università di Torino) durante la conferenza "Ucraina 2023: un anno di guerra" viene riportato su Futura News.
A new cooperation agreement has been established between T.wai and the New Strategy Center, a Romanian think tank specialising in foreign, defence and security policy, a non-partisan, non-governmental organisation; with the Balkans and the Black Sea space as priority areas of interest.
“The public discourse in Italy about international affairs is often hijacked by amateurs posing as geopolitical analysts. They resort to maps and other visual assets to present a distorted version of reality conductive to the Kremlin’s narrative, thus preparing the ground for disinformation proper.”