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Feb 17, 2021

Regionalismo e liberalizzazione commerciale nell’Asia-Pacifico: la Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership

[IT] È online il nuovo Approfondimento “Regionalismo e liberalizzazione commerciale nell’Asia-Pacifico: la Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership”, realizzato per l'Osservatorio di Politica Internazionale da T.wai.

Feb 15, 2021

Radio 3 – 12 febbraio 2021

[IT] Il commento di Francesco Buscemi sulla crisi in Myanmar per Radio3 Mondo.

Feb 12, 2021

Australian Institute of International Affairs – 12 february 2021

Nicholas Farrelly on the Myanmar crisis, for the Australian Institute of International Affairs.

Feb 11, 2021

Formiche – 11 febbraio 2021

[IT] Il commento di Andrea Ghiselli nell'articolo "Usa-Israele-Cina. Un triangolo che guarda all’Iran", di Emanuele Rossi per Formiche.

Feb 10, 2021

Fleecy clouds: the future and the past of IPOs in mainland China

Mainland China’s capital markets are not entirely akin to their Western counterparts: the regulator of the two stock exchanges (the Chinese Securities Regulatory Commission, or CSRC) is directly affiliated with the government; the main players are state-owned enterprises (SOEs) rather than private corporations; and political and economic stability are prioritized…

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