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Jun 14, 2019

Southeast Asia at the crossroads

In 1966, Robert F. Kennedy delivered a speech with this quote: ‘There is a Chinese curse which says “May we live in interesting times”. Like it or not, we live in interesting times. They are times of danger and uncertainty; but they are also the most creative of any time…

Jun 14, 2019


Mahbubani K., J. Sng, (2017) The ASEAN Miracle. A Catalyst for Peace, Singapore: NUS Press. In 1993, The World Bank entitled its annual Development...   Read More

Jun 14, 2019

Bilateral Relations between Viet Nam and Italy

  In recent years, relations between Italy and ASEAN countries, including Viet Nam, have continued to develop fruitfully and productively. 2018 proved to be...   Read More

Jun 14, 2019

Thailand and Italy: Old Friends, New Possibilities

  Thailand and Italy celebrated the 150th anniversary of the establishment of their diplomatic ties in 2018. On 3 October 1868, representatives of Their...   Read More

Jun 14, 2019

The Philippine Ambassador’s View on Philippine-Italian Economic Relations

  Philippine-Italian co-operation has grown over the years since the establishment of diplomatic relations on 9 July 1947. The relationship has gradually expanded across...   Read More

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