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Jun 14, 2019

Reducing the infrastructure gap in the ASEAN region: Public-Private Partnership and the Belt and Road Initiative

The need for infrastructure in Asia has significantly grown. The Asian Development Bank (ABD) has estimated this need to be USD2.8 trillion between 2016...   Read More

Jun 14, 2019

U.S.-China Trade War: Opportunities and Risks for Southeast Asia

Prior to his election President Donald Trump made it clear that he thought the U.S. suffered from bad trade deals entered into by his...   Read More

Jun 14, 2019

East Asia’s Trade Futures in a Volatile World

East Asia, Globalisation and World Trade The world trade system has for centuries represented wider economic, political and technological developments shaping human society, as...   Read More

Jun 14, 2019

Time to Revisit ‘Hedging’

A strong consensus has formed that many secondary states have adopted security strategies best categorised as ‘hedging’. This argument is most often made with...   Read More

Jun 11, 2019

The EU-Singapore Free Trade Agreement, advantages to firms or lack of clarity on procedures?

On October 19th 2018, in the occasion of the 12th Asia-Europe meeting in Brussels, a Free Trade Agreement (EUSFTA) was signed between the European Union and Singapore, allegedly aimed at cutting tariffs, removing trade barriers and simplifying trade rules between the two parties. This document was complemented by an Investment…

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