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Jul 26, 2018

Ordine e mutamento nel Sud-est asiatico

La riconfigurazione in atto dell’ordine mondiale non risparmia il Sud-est asiatico. In questo numero di RISE TJ Pempel, uno dei più noti studiosi statunitensi...   Read More

Jul 25, 2018

Beyond the militarist approach: a new challenge for Mali

Current peacebuilding approaches focused on state-building and militarization have led to poor security outputs, neither addressing national tensions nor fighting ethnic narratives of conflict.

Jul 16, 2018

It’s Complicated: Singapore–China Relations, an Overview

To the extent that Beijing accepts an open and inclusive Southeast Asia as well as established and binding rules, the Singapore–PRC relationship is likely to continue smoothly.

Jul 2, 2018

Everything under the heavens

The question to be answered is not really whether China is developing a new world order, but what the future world order will look like in light of China’s skilful use of its tools of economic statecraft.

Jun 18, 2018

Security privatisation at sea: Piracy and the commercialisation of vessel protection

This article conducts a congruence testing of the main theoretical explanations for the use of PSCs on land against UK, Dutch and Italian vessel protection policies.

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