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Dec 31, 2017

What are the achievements of 16+1 after five years of existence?

On November 26-27, the Sixth Summit of the Heads of Governments of China and the sixteen countries of Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe took place in Budapest, marking the fifth anniversary since the establishment of the 16+1 platform. The meeting itself was business as usual. At the same time, unlike…

Dec 28, 2017

China’s Growing Presence in the Pacific, and Local Reactions

“China has become a new option for PNG when it seeks external opportunities for economic and development cooperation. It has become a bargaining chip for the island country in acquiring more aid and benefits from traditional donors”.

Dec 26, 2017

The Philippines’ Relations with China: A Pragmatic Perspective under President Duterte

The Philippines’ relations with China have recently experienced turbulence, with the occurrence of various controversies and disputes. The issues behind development projects have cast doubts on the integrity of Chinese investments and revealed the venality of Philippine institutions. Moreover, the fiery and contentious maritime row between the two countries has…

Dec 22, 2017

La potenza marittima cinese: minaccia o tutela alla libertà dei mari?

Se si osserva il mondo da Washington con occhi attenti alla dimensione militare, la Cina parrebbe porre una delle maggiori sfide al principio della...   Read More

Dec 22, 2017

Liaisons Dangereuses: Crisi migratoria, ONG e sicurezza privata

La gestione e il contenimento delle migrazioni dall’Africa subsahariana sono da molto tempo un cardine della politica estera e di difesa italiane. Dal 2013,...   Read More

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