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Dec 13, 2023

High hopes and great opportunities: the Egyptian press reflects on China’s role in the Israel-Hamas war

Mariateresa Natuzzi (ChinaMed, T.wai) analyzes the Egyptian coverage and perception of Beijing's stance on the conflict raging in Gaza, for the ChinaMed Observer.

Dec 12, 2023

Internazionale – 12 dicembre 2023

[IT] Giuseppe Gabusi (T.wai e Università degli Studi di Torino) nella puntata "L’Europa cerca di regolamentare l’intelligenza artificiale. Perché l’Italia lascia la via della seta cinese" del podcast Il Mondo di Internazionale.

Dec 12, 2023

Le relazioni commerciali Italia – Sudest Asiatico

[IT] Il presente rapporto si pone l’obiettivo di analizzare i flussi commerciali tra l’Italia e i dieci Stati membri dell’ASEAN, concentrandosi prevalentemente sulle esportazioni italiane nella regione.

Dec 12, 2023

ASEAN – 6 December 2023

The ASEAN Secretariat mentions the event "ASEAN and the Indo-Pacific", held at the University of Turin in partnership with T.wai.

Dec 11, 2023

Examining new data on Chinese Foreign Direct Investment across the wider Mediterranean region

Available data instead indicates that outward investment from China has continued to grow in the wider Mediterranean region, albeit at a more measured pace and increasingly directed to the Middle East.

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