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Sep 27, 2017

The BCIM Economic Corridor and Chinese investments in Myanmar

Asia's regionalization trend led to the formulation of numerous economic cooperation initiatives. These, however, often lack a clear implementation strategy.

Sep 26, 2017

L’impiego delle compagnie di sicurezza private quali team di protezione a bordo dei mercantili: scomoda concorrenza o opportunità per future sinergie nella lotta alla pirateria?

Nel corso degli anni 2000, pirateria e criminalità marittima sono divenute un problema di punta nell’agenda di sicurezza internazionale. Con la Legge 130/2011, anche...   Read More

Sep 25, 2017

Security privatisation at sea: Piracy and the commercialisation of vessel protection

In 2011, the growing number of pirate attacks prompted several flag states to authorise the use of armed guards aboard vessels. Despite facing the same threat, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Italy have adopted three distinct approaches to securing their merchant ships, ranging from the exclusive use of private…

Sep 23, 2017

The Arakan/Rohingya Crisis

Several major confrontations have occurred in Arakan since World War II, creating lasting distrust between the followers of different religious creeds. These conflicts are related to issues which all have their roots deep in the country’s past.

Sep 22, 2017

[LA RECENSIONE] Storia del calcio cinese. Dalle origini ai giorni nostri

Marco Bagozzi e Andrea Bisceglia, Storia del calcio cinese. Dalle origini ai giorni nostri, Torino: Bradipolibri, 2017. Il 15 giugno 2013, a Guangzhou, la...   Read More

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