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Aug 30, 2017

Radio Vaticana – 17 agosto 2017

[IT] "Anniversario dell'indipendenza dell'Indonesia: il futuro del Paese", Giuseppe Gabusi (Università degli Studi di Torino) interviene a Radio Vaticana.

Aug 12, 2017

The ‘Lucky’ Ones: Land, Citizenship, and Inequality in the Wa Self-Administered Division

In the Wa autonomous areas that run along the Sino-Burmese border, disparities in material wealth raise important questions about land ownership.

Aug 4, 2017

Opium and ‘Development’ in Myanmar: the political economy of a resurgent crop

Shan State is the source of over 95 percent of opium in Southeast Asia. Over the past three decades, demand for and addiction to opium derivatives has risen dramatically in the region, often with devastating effects for communities throughout Myanmar.

Aug 4, 2017

Opium and ‘Development’ in Myanmar: the political economy of a resurgent crop

Shan State is the source of over 95 percent of opium in Southeast Asia. Over the past three decades, demand for and addiction to opium derivatives has risen dramatically in the region, often with devastating effects for communities throughout Myanmar.

Aug 2, 2017

Il Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor (BCIM-EC) e gli investimenti cinesi in Myanmar

L’Asia negli ultimi due decenni ha sperimentato una crescita costante e apparentemente inarrestabile di iniziative regionali sia statali sia non governative. Tuttavia questo trend...   Read More

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