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May 15, 2017

Centrifugal tendencies and Myanmar’s long wars

Nowadays most of Myanmar’s severe policy conversations quickly lurch into consideration of federalism: the need to find a basis for distributing power and wealth between Myanmar’s diverse regions and peoples.

May 9, 2017

Iran-China Relations: An Iranian Perspective

China and Iran are the modern heirs to two ancient civilizations, a fact that shapes their interactions and colors their leaders’ sense of identity and place in the contemporary world. Sino-Iranian relations will become even more intense and strategic as the interests shared by the two nations develop within China's…

May 3, 2017

Climate change and natural resources in the Arctic

There is growing interest in Arctic sea routes, and in natural resources that become available as the sea ice melts: the Arctic has become a new “hotspot” in international politics.

May 2, 2017

Intervista con il Direttore – Roberto Battiston, Presidente dell’Agenzia Spaziale Italiana

Presidente, come può essere qualificato oggi il posizionamento dell’Italia in campo aerospaziale e su quali frontiere tecnologiche il nostro paese può giocare un ruolo...   Read More

May 2, 2017

[LA RECENSIONE] Curarsi è difficile, curarsi è costoso. Storia, politica e istituzioni della sanità cinese 1978-2013

Daniele Brombal, Curarsi è difficile, curarsi è costoso. Storia, politica e istituzioni della sanità cinese 1978-2013 (Ariccia: Aracne, 2015) OrizzonteCina ha scelto, fin dalla...   Read More

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