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Nov 2, 2016

Xi Jinping: comrade and core leader

The 18th Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party conferred Xi Jinping the title of 'core leader' at the end of the 6th Plenum last week; yet, "the political significance of this latest development in the Chinese semantics of power appears to be overstated", T.wai Vice President Giovanni Andornino writes.

Oct 24, 2016

Working from the ground up – Everyday peace indicators

Roger Mac Ginty and Pamina Firchow elaborate on the Everyday Peace Indicators project, illustrating what do terms like “peace” and “security” mean to post-conflict societies.

Oct 6, 2016

La Stampa – 4 ottobre 2016

[IT] "Gli studenti italian trovano l'America in Cina", Elisabetta Pagani intervista Giovanni Andornino (Università degli Studi di Torino) per La Stampa.

Sep 14, 2016

The Silk Road in the Balkans: Context and Prospects

Anastas Vangeli evaluates the success of China’s Belt and Road Initiative by looking at the promises Beijing seeks to deliver across the Balkans

Sep 8, 2016

The (non) changing business environment in China: still talking the walk

As the G20 Summit convenes in Hangzhou, T.wai’s Edoardo Agamennone assesses how attractive is China as a foreign investment destination

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